Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lee Godie, French Impressionist

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Lee Godie, French Impressionist

I find it interesting that, so long after Judy Chicago and Kate Millet were festooning the Women's Building, that I helped to remodel, with great pieces of feminist art, some anonymous "guest blogger," probably a privileged, white male (and if not, someone who has learned "success" means thinking like one) has decided so subtly (but they're always subtle, aren't they?) to insinuate the artist is not legitimate. Is the art good? I don't think so. But then, for the most part, I can't stand Picasso, either, and he did a number of cartoon-like profiles. Is the artist formally educated in art history? Probably not, else she might not have described herself as "French." Is there a lot more going on here than we know from the article? Absolutely! At least she is not anonymous, as so many of my sisters, both trained in the arts and native, have become. I'm glad I got to know her.