Uploaded by TEDtalksDirector on Oct 28, 2011
http://www.ted.com With scissors and paper, artist Béatrice Coron creates intricate worlds, cities and countries, heavens and hells. Striding onstage in a glorious cape cut from Tyvek, she describes her creative process and the way her stories develop from snips and slices.One person's junk is another person's art supplies. Recycling; Found Treasures; Resourcefulness; Mixed Media; Primitive Art; Dumpster Diving; Art Supplies; Do-It-Yourself; Extra Income; Hand Made; One-Of-A-Kind; Halloween Masks; Dolls; Puppets; Stuffed Animals; Customized; Found Materials; Trash Picking; Gourd Bird Houses Gallery; Instructions; Extra Income; Internet Shopping; Gifts; Decorations
Friday, October 28, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Off Book | Etsy Art & Culture | PBS Arts
Uploaded by PBS on Oct 12, 2011
America has a long tradition of handmade arts and crafts. In the manufacturing age, however, much of this work was overshadowed by the homogenizing force of retail culture. But the passion for handmade arts didn't disappear, and persisted through the years in local craft fairs. Now in the age of the internet, these local craft cultures and artists have found a unifying online community, Etsy, that provides a platform for communication and sales to appreciative fans and customers, as well as a medium to connect with each other and share ideas across the globe.
Vanessa Bertozzi, Director of Community & Education, Etsy
Alyssa Zygmunt, http://www.etsy.com/shop/BROOKLYNrehab
Allison Patrick, http://www.etsy.com/shop/zipper8lighting
Katherine Rasmussen, http://www.etsy.com/shop/reiter8
Music by:
Anitek: http://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/Anitek
Löhstana: http://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/Lohstana_(2)
Follow Off Book:
Twitter: @pbsoffbook
Tumblr: http://pbsarts.tumblr.com/
Produced by Kornhaber Brown: http://www.kornhaberbrown.com
You are reading http://livinginthehood.blogspot.com